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Metabolic Health Clinic

Nurse Practitioner Led Prevention and Treatment of Metabolic Disease

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Mission and Vision

Mission Statement: “My mission is to revolutionize healthcare by empowering individuals and their primary care providers with the knowledge and tools to reverse chronic diseases caused by insulin resistance. I strive to challenge conventional medical practices and shed light on misconceptions in the treatment of these diseases. As a nurse practitioner-led initiative, I am committed to providing personalized, evidence-based care that prioritizes lifestyle modifications over medication.”


Vision Statement: “The vision of my clinic is to lead a healthcare transformation where the understanding and management of insulin resistance is at the forefront. I envision a world where chronic diseases are not just managed, but reversed, and where every individual has access to the education and support they need to take control of their health. I aim to create a ripple effect, starting with my patients and extending to their primary care providers, to reshape the healthcare landscape and redefine what it means to live a healthy life.”


What I Offer

My clinic operates on a low-barrier, fee-for-service model, offering dietary and lifestyle preventative care for all metabolic diseases caused by insulin resistance. I also provide treatment for certain conditions that are suitable for virtual care. While medications are used, they serve as an adjunct rather than the primary mode of treatment.

Preventative Care

I offer preventative care services for a range of conditions including, but not limited to, Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular/cardiac/peripheral vascular diseases, certain types of cancers, dementia, polycystic ovarian syndrome, erectile dysfunction, obesity, musculoskeletal problems, and mental health problems.


I provide treatments for conditions that are safe for a virtual platform such as Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, polycystic ovarian syndrome, erectile dysfunction, obesity, and minor mental health conditions like anxiety, depression, ADHD, food addiction, and binge eating disorder.

Free Consultation

  • Initial Consultation: All initial consultations are free so that we can first determine if we can work together safely and effectively.  I will ask about your goals and about medical history. I encourage people to look at the required education even before this step so that you have an idea about treatment.


  • Required Education: Before your initial assessment (or free consult), you will be asked to complete required education. This includes reading the PowerPoint on my website and one you tube video.  This is important as it provides a foundation of knowledge that contrasts with traditional health perspectives.  I've also listed highly recommended books, podcasts and YouTube videos.

Initial Assessment and Blood Work

  • Initial Assessment: This is a 90 minute session where I assess your goals of therapy, medical history, family history, symptoms, and provide education about the lifestyle intervention.

  • Blood Work: You will receive a requisition to have a full metabolic panel done at Life Labs. This requires fasting for 8 hours and will be done before you start the lifestyle intervention.

Follow up

  • First follow-up visit after blood work: This is a 60-minute follow-up visit for an assessment and diagnosis of metabolic health and therapeutic plan. 

  • Subsequent follow up visits:  Long follow up 60 minutes for people on medications and complex health needs and  short follow up 40-minute long follow-up visit just to check in and review your progress  You can follow up as long as you feel it is necessary.

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